The story behind Vessels!

The funny thing is, it isn’t about us. It’s about a man named Jesus Christ. 

This is the story of how Christ took two very lost and broken people and began a redemption arc that neither one of them could have ever believed would lead them to their own salvations. Yes. Saved. By grace. Through a very real, regenerative, and ultimately true, faith in the Lord our God, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. 

My wife and I had our very first date at the beginning of September 2023. We both had been praying for help from God. Praying for real, true love. We both had spent the last year attempting to get out of the prisons we had created for ourselves in the world. Prisons that the enemy, doing exactly what he does, had deceived us both into believing there was no escape. Little did we know, the very help we had prayed for was on the way. Yet, we had no clue how challenging that was about to be. God was about to take two human beings who had been lost to the world and break them both down right in front of one another. 
So began the journey. As my wife and I fell in love, we both began to speak the truth of what our souls longed for: A relationship built in Christ that could withstand the world. There was one big problem though… we were still of the world. A slave to our sins. Spiritually dead. God began to slowly reveal to us what his love looked like by breaking us down in front of one another. There were things on both sides that had to come to the surface so we could fully know one another. Hard truths. Real shame. Deep despair. Internal prisons that ultimately we both desperately wanted out of….

Then it happened. The epitome of what love looks like: Forgiveness.

One night in January after we had gotten engaged, my wife and I reached a breaking point in which the raw reality of what a life serving the world looked like. A life without Christ.
It was ugly. It was painful. It was downright dreadful, and we both wanted to run. We were naked and ashamed in front of each other. Much like Adam and Eve in the garden after they had been deceived by Satan. We wanted to escape the screams of the enemy, that “it didn’t matter what we did, neither one of us could ever go before him again. It was too late. We were too far gone. How could he forgive what we had done with our lives? How could either one of us continue in our love for each other knowing what we knew?” It was a lie. (2nd Corinthians 4:4)

We chose not to believe that lie anymore. In that very moment, Jesus stepped on him and crushed his head. He revealed to us both what love looked like that night… Forgiveness. Not only for one another, but for ourselves through Christ. Because that’s what he’s done. He bled for it. He was crushed for it. He died for it. He bore our sin for it. He was calling us home. We knew right then and there that Christ was the only way we could escape. Not by running from him or from each other, but by running to the Cross. So that’s exactly what we did.

Over the course of the next few weeks,  we dove deeply into his word. We began to pray fervently for forgiveness and life change. We fellowshipped with one another. Then, through his word and the signs we were given, came to discover what it truly meant to follow Christ. Together we went to the Cross at our Church in February and we both individually walked up the hill and knelt before him. To ask for forgiveness for choosing the world over him. To repent of it all. To truly surrender ourselves to him. To accept him as our Lord and Savior. To deny ourselves and take up our own Crosses. To follow him, and him alone. We were reborn. Naked and unashamed. (Matthew 16:24-26)

After that, we went to the church and sought guidance. We told our story, and they were more than happy to help us move through Gods purpose for our lives.

On 3/24/24 we were baptized, washed clean, and made to be one flesh in the same day. We got married at the same cross where we had given it all to him. Completely surrounded by our families in love and support. It was more beautiful than either of us could have imagined. Oh how sweet the love of Jesus is.

This is our story. A story about him. The Lamb of God. A perfect savior for all that would turn to him. To believe in him and what he has done. Our story is now our life purpose. To lead others to the cross ♥️ We are here with open arms to help lead you there if you need that helping hand. There is no judgement here. We were all meant to be VESSELS! 

If you feel like you’re too far gone… if you feel like you are lost… do not believe the lies of the enemy. Do you not know that the Shepherd leaves the 99 to find the 1 lost in the wilderness? (Matthew 18:12)

He is right here. Right now. Would you call on him? Would you let him take your burdens and make you new? Would you let him forgive you? Would you let him use you as a Vessel? I can promise you that he will. We are a living, breathing testimony of his grace. His love. He left his throne in heaven and came down to walk amongst us. He lived a perfect life. A life of service. Then he laid down his life by his own accord for both you and I. His blood is enough. Come home to your savior. It’s the perfect weekend to open your heart!

God bless you and keep you! And may we never forget the magnitude of the sacrifice that Jesus Christ has made for us all! Amen 🙏

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